I have no problem with my Muslim Brothers and sisters. Really I myself am concern about them by heart. If one day they realize for what reason their appearance resembles like all Hindus, then what will happen to their emotion and feelings? If they give some time to analyze by which means they converted, was that conversion occurred with love, reasoning and will or by force, war and killing, then can you blame Hindus ever? Can these people ever identify who were converted as Islam right after riot at the time of division of soil or whom (Hindus before partition of India or Bangladesh) criminals / warriors kidnapped raped, forced by violence and whose entire ancestor were killed in Indo-Pak partition? If they think for few hours deeply, may hear loud crying noise of their ancestors expecting helping hand from other Hindus. But can a Hindu fight, kill or war against anyone? My friend, you should see these pictures at least once, visit those place (pictures given bellow or peep near to all your Old-Musjids will discover old temples there or near to, and few covers lying near by but ask self why???) which were yours (Temple) one day and you all were owner of all those ancient temples. After that think for a while, in which way they covered entire India and you people became Muslim by religion and from where these desert living men Kabuli and others became money Lender on India and Pakistan. Those people gradually left one by one from India before all these converted innocent people agitated against them after realizing that truth. Think for few minute, if no-intellectual likes to convert Islam after slogans of so-called Non-Communal political & criminal forces (Congress= a English Name, so as Communism a foreign word and Germany creation, projecting themselves Pure Indian, and trying to withdraw History from educational syllabus for what reason?) today, then how could you millions converted so easily???? Do you people knows your own family history and when & how???
Again when will visualize inside our minds eye about when and how they eat cow flesh, then answer will be just to give much mental / psychological pain to those pious females they kidnapped after killing entire male members and elders. They belong to that area where camels are available not cows. Then how the cow topic comes to this forefront??? I believe all my Muslim brother and sister can visit all these controversy places like KashiBiswanathTemple, where they are allowed to go and pray on Friday but no Hindu are allowed. I posted few pictures bellow this blog, again visit all those places and think, whether your ancestors were Hindus Pundits in Kashi and violently killed by those robust criminals or not, later search from which period you became converted to Islam and by which way. I think this much will enough to clear that scenario, and you all will discover yourself as one page or other of Taslima’s Lajya book. Those temples which were yours one day changed by violence and where your ancestors suffered immensely, now you all were desiring and claiming those as if these are great memory of your past heritage, Amazing! It is fact that as you don’t know about yourself due to the aggression of those historical days, likewise people are hiding these truths only to extract power or to exploit you all. When you try to ask them directly I’m sure they will fly away their so-call motherland Swaziland where they are keeping money as because when their true picture will come to forefront then all people may revolt against them simultaneously. This is the actual reason for which they are trying to withdraw History, they will try always not to provide you evidence, nor you could get the rights to ask them in which circumstances you became converted.